Trakcja System will perform the works as part of the task:

Execution of construction works and preparation of an executive design, implementation of construction works for the installation of railway traffic control devices, railway telecommunications network equipment, along with post-warranty services for these devices in the area Vistula Bridge – Czechowice-Dziedzice – Zabrzeg as part of the project "Works on key passenger lines (E 30 and E 65) in the area of Silesia, Stage I: Line E 65 on the Będzin – Katowice – Tychy – Czechowice-Dziedzice – Zebrzydowice section, LOT C Vistula Bridge – Czechowice-Dziedzice – Zabrzeg section.

Ordering Party: KZA SA Kraków

Implementation period:  2020-2023

 Scope of works: Trakcja System Sp. z o.o.:
- installation of 16 sets of signal gates