Trakcja System has once again been awarded in the Forbes monthly ranking, receiving the “Forbes Diamond 2023” title

The PS-00 M/B No. 52 expanded the equipment of our machinery fleet and our manufacturing capacity

In 2022 we have worked intensively and in 2023 we do not intend to slow down.

Starting from December 23, 2022, Trakcja System has 2 proxies. Maciej Grzegorek and Kazimierz Kosmowski have been appointed to this position.

We are delighted to announce that Trakcja System has its own dwarf.

Trakcja System has become a member of the Land Transport Chamber of Commerce in the Railway Construction section.

The weekend of June 10-12 was special for our company – for 2 days we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Trakcja System.

We are proud that, as a Polish company, we are able to develop our domestic railway network kilometre by kilometre. We would like to invite you to watch a video that was made on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Trakcja System.

We have signed an agreement for the reconstruction of the overhead line on railway line No. 682 Nowa Wieś – Kędzierzyn Koźle KKB and the replacement of the overhead line on track No. 10 at Rudziniec Gliwicki station