Since April 2022, Trakcja System has been operating in the field of railway traffic control equipment and telecommunications.

Initially, minor work was carried out in the field of reconstruction of cable infrastructure and teletechnical interferences or replacement of individual lever frames, but over time, work in the field of phasing and adaptation of station, linear and level crossing equipment to the needs of track and traction work was also carried out.

We have already completed or are currently in the process of constructing several level crossings of various categories in Lower Silesia.Obecnie zrealizowaliśmy, bądź jesteśmy w trakcie realizacji budowy kilkunastu przejazdów kolejowo-drogowych różnych kategorii na terenie Dolnego Śląska.

One of the more interesting tasks was the construction and commissioning of a passing dependency in the station equipment in Starczów on railway line no. 276.

It should be noted that we carry out this work comprehensively, which includes the reconstruction of telecom and IT networks.

Currently, the largest task we are carrying out is the reconstruction of relay equipment with a cube panel into a modern system with a computer overlay in Sędzisław.

As the industry continues to grow we are looking for a person for the position of a construction engineer for railway traffic control.

Take a look at the video introducing the industry and our activities in it.